
How to find and study a black hole

How to find and study a black hole

Imagine, somewhere in the galaxy, the corpse of a star so dense that it punctures the fabric of space and time.
So dense that it devours any surrounding matter that gets too close, pulling it into a riptide of gravity that nothing, not even light, can escape.
And once matter crosses over the point of no return, the event horizon, it spirals helplessly toward an almost infinitely small point, a point where space-time is so curved that all our theories break down: the singularity. No one gets out alive.
Black holes sound too strange to be real. But they are actually pretty common in space.
There are dozens known and probably millions more in the Milky Way and a billion times that lurking outside.
Scientists also believe there could be a supermassive black hole at the center of nearly every galaxy, including our own.
The makings and dynamics of these monstrous warpings of space-time have been confounding scientists for centuries.
A history of black holes
It all started in England in 1665, when an apple broke from the branch of a tree and fell to the ground.
Watching from his garden at Woolsthorpe Manor, Isaac Newton began thinking about the apple’s descent: a line of thought that, two decades later, ended with his conclusion that there must be some sort of universal force governing the motion of apples and cannonballs and even planetary bodies.
He called it gravity.
Newton realized that any object with mass would have a gravitational pull. He found that as mass increases, gravity increases.
To escape an object’s gravity, you would need to reach its escape velocity. To escape the gravity of Earth, you would need to travel at a rate of roughly 11 kilometers per second.
It was Newton’s discovery of the laws of gravity and motion that, 100 years later, led Reverend John Michell, a British polymath, to the conclusion that if there were a star much more massive or much more compressed than the sun, its escape velocity could surpass even the speed of light. He called these objects “dark stars.”
Twelve years later, French scientist and mathematician Pierre Simon de Laplace arrived at the same conclusion and offered mathematical proof for the existence of what we now know as black holes.
In 1915, Albert Einstein set forth the revolutionary theory of general relativity, which regarded space and time as a curved four-dimensional object.
Rather than viewing gravity as a force, Einstein saw it as a warping of space and time itself.
A massive object, such as the sun, would create a dent in spacetime, a gravitational well, causing any surrounding objects, such as the planets in our solar system, to follow a curved path around it.
A month after Einstein published this theory, German physicist Karl Schwarzschild discovered something fascinating in Einstein’s equations.
Schwarzschild found a solution that led scientists to the conclusion that a region of space could become so warped that it would create a gravitational well that no object could escape.
Up until 1967, these mysterious regions of spacetime had not been granted a universal title.
Scientists tossed around terms like “collapsar” or “frozen star” when discussing the dark plots of inescapable gravity. At a conference in New York, physicist John Wheeler popularized the term “black hole.”
How to find a black hole
During star formation, gravity compresses matter until it is stopped by the star’s internal pressure. If the internal pressure does not stop the compression, it can result in the formation of a black hole.
Some black holes are formed when massive stars collapse. Others, scientists believe, were formed very early in the universe, a billion years after the big bang.
There is no limit to how immense a black hole can be, sometimes more than a billion times the mass of the sun.
According to general relativity, there is also no limit to how small they can be (although quantum mechanics suggests otherwise).
Black holes grow in mass as they continue to devour their surrounding matter. Smaller black holes accrete matter from a companion star while the larger ones feed off of any matter that gets too close.
Black holes contain an event horizon, beyond which not even light can escape. Because no light can get out, it is impossible to see beyond this surface of a black hole.
But just because you can’t see a black hole, doesn’t mean you can’t detect one.
Scientists can detect black holes by looking at the motion of stars and gas nearby as well as matter accreted from its surroundings. This matter spins around the black hole, creating a flat disk called an accretion disk.
The whirling matter loses energy and gives off radiation in the form of X-rays and other electromagnetic radiation before it eventually passes the event horizon.
This is how astronomers identified Cygnus X-1 in 1971. Cygnus X-1 was found as part of a binary star system in which an extremely hot and bright star called a blue supergiant formed an accretion disk around an invisible object.
The binary star system was emitting X-rays, which are not usually produced by blue supergiants.
By calculating how far and fast the visible star was moving, astronomers were able to calculate the mass of the unseen object.
Although it was compressed into a volume smaller than the Earth, the object’s mass was more than six times as heavy as our sun.
Several different experiments study black holes. The Event Horizon Telescope will look at black holes in the nucleus of our galaxy and a nearby galaxy, M87. Its resolution is high enough to image flowing gas around the event horizon.
Scientists can also do reverberation mapping, which uses X-ray telescopes to look for time differences between emissions from various locations near the black hole to understand the orbits of gas and photons around the black hole.
The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, or LIGO, seeks to identify the merger of two black holes, which would emit gravitational radiation, or gravitational waves, as the two black holes merge.
In addition to accretion disks, black holes also have winds and incredibly bright jets erupting from them along their rotation axis, shooting out matter and radiation at nearly the speed of light. Scientists are still working to understand how these jets form.
What we don’t know
Scientists have learned that black holes are not as black as they once thought them to be. Some information might escape them. In 1974, Stephen Hawking published results that showed that black holes should radiate energy, or Hawking radiation.
Matter-antimatter pairs are constantly being produced throughout the universe, even outside the event horizon of a black hole.
Quantum theory predicts that one particle might be dragged in before the pair has a chance to annihilate, and the other might escape in the form of Hawking radiation.
This contradicts the picture general relativity paints of a black hole from which nothing can escape.
But as a black hole radiates Hawking radiation, it slowly evaporates until it eventually vanishes. So what happens to all the information encoded on its horizon?
Does it disappear, which would violate quantum mechanics? Or is it preserved, as quantum mechanics would predict? One theory is that the Hawking radiation contains all of that information.
When the black hole evaporates and disappears, it has already preserved the information of everything that fell into it, radiating it out into the universe.
Black holes give scientists an opportunity to test general relativity in very extreme gravitational fields.
They see black holes as an opportunity to answer one of the biggest questions in particle physics theory: Why can’t we square quantum mechanics with general relativity?
Beyond the event horizon, black holes curve into one of the darkest mysteries in physics. Scientists can’t explain what happens when objects cross the event horizon and spiral toward the singularity.
General relativity and quantum mechanics collide and Einstein’s equations explode into infinities.
Black holes might even house gateways to other universes called wormholes and violent fountains of energy and matter called white holes, though it seems very unlikely that nature would allow these structures to exist.
Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction.


\title{\bf Announcement 179: Division by zero is clear as z/0=0 and it is fundamental in mathematics\\
\author{{\it Institute of Reproducing Kernels}\\
Kawauchi-cho, 5-1648-16,\\
Kiryu 376-0041, Japan\\
{\bf Abstract: } In this announcement, we shall introduce the zero division $z/0=0$. The result is a definite one and it is fundamental in mathematics.
By a natural extension of the fractions
for any complex numbers $a$ and $b$, we, recently, found the surprising result, for any complex number $b$
incidentally in \cite{s} by the Tikhonov regularization for the Hadamard product inversions for matrices, and we discussed their properties and gave several physical interpretations on the general fractions in \cite{kmsy} for the case of real numbers. The result is a very special case for general fractional functions in \cite{cs}. 
The division by zero has a long and mysterious story over the world (see, for example, google site with division by zero) with its physical viewpoints since the document of zero in India on AD 628, however,
Sin-Ei, Takahasi (\cite{taka}) (see also \cite{kmsy}) established a simple and decisive interpretation (1.2) by analyzing some full extensions of fractions and by showing the complete characterization for the property (1.2). His result will show that our mathematics says that the result (1.2) should be accepted as a natural one:
{\bf Proposition. }{\it Let F be a function from ${\bf C }\times {\bf C }$ to ${\bf C }$ such that
F (b, a)F (c, d)= F (bc, ad)
for all
a, b, c, d \in {\bf C }
F (b, a) = \frac {b}{a }, \quad a, b \in {\bf C }, a \ne 0.
Then, we obtain, for any $b \in {\bf C } $
F (b, 0) = 0.
\section{What are the fractions $ b/a$?}
For many mathematicians, the division $b/a$ will be considered as the inverse of product;
that is, the fraction
is defined as the solution of the equation
a\cdot x= b.
The idea and the equation (2.2) show that the division by zero is impossible, with a strong conclusion. Meanwhile, the problem has been a long and old question:
As a typical example of the division by zero, we shall recall the fundamental law by Newton:
F = G \frac{m_1 m_2}{r^2}
for two masses $m_1, m_2$ with a distance $r$ and for a constant $G$. Of course,
\lim_{r \to +0} F =\infty,
however, in our fraction
F = G \frac{m_1 m_2}{0} = 0.

Now, we shall introduce an another approach. The division $b/a$ may be defined {\bf independently of the product}. Indeed, in Japan, the division $b/a$ ; $b$ {\bf raru} $a$ ({\bf jozan}) is defined as how many $a$ exists in $b$, this idea comes from subtraction $a$ repeatedly. (Meanwhile, product comes from addition).
In Japanese language for "division", there exists such a concept independently of product.
H. Michiwaki and his 6 years old girl said for the result $ 100/0=0$ that the result is clear, from the meaning of the fractions independently the concept of product and they said:
$100/0=0$ does not mean that $100= 0 \times 0$. Meanwhile, many mathematicians had a confusion for the result.
Her understanding is reasonable and may be acceptable:
$100/2=50 \quad$ will mean that we divide 100 by 2, then each will have 50.
$100/10=10 \quad$ will mean that we divide 100 by10, then each will have 10.
$100/0=0 \quad$ will mean that we do not divide 100, and then nobody will have at all and so 0.
Furthermore, she said then the rest is 100; that is, mathematically;
100 = 0\cdot 0 + 100.
Now, all the mathematicians may accept the division by zero $100/0=0$ with natural feelings as a trivial one?
For simplicity, we shall consider the numbers on non-negative real numbers. We wish to define the division (or fraction) $b/a$ following the usual procedure for its calculation, however, we have to take care for the division by zero:
The first principle, for example, for $100/2 $ we shall consider it as follows:
How may times can we subtract $2$? At this case, it is 50 times and so, the fraction is $50$.
The second case, for example, for $3/2$ we shall consider it as follows:
3 - 2 = 1
and the rest (remainder) is $1$, and for the rest $1$, we multiple $10$,
then we consider similarly as follows:
Therefore $10/2=5$ and so we define as follows:
\frac{3}{2} =1 + 0.5 = 1.5.
By these procedures, for $a \ne 0$ we can define the fraction $b/a$, usually. Here we do not need the concept of product. Except the zero division, all the results for fractions are valid and accepted.
Now, we shall consider the zero division, for example, $100/0$. Since
100 - 0 = 100,
that is, by the subtraction $100 - 0$, 100 does not decrease, so we can not say we subtract any from $100$. Therefore, the subtract number should be understood as zero; that is,
\frac{100}{0} = 0.
We can understand this: the division by $0$ means that it does not divide $100$ and so, the result is $0$.
Similarly, we can see that
\frac{0}{0} =0.
As a conclusion, we should define the zero divison as, for any $b$
\frac{b}{0} =0.
See \cite{kmsy} for the details.

\section{In complex analysis}
We thus should consider, for any complex number $b$, as (1.2);
that is, for the mapping
w = \frac{1}{z},
the image of $z=0$ is $w=0$. This fact seems to be a curious one in connection with our well-established popular image for the point at infinity on the Riemann sphere.
However, we shall recall the elementary function
W(z) = \exp \frac{1}{z}
= 1 + \frac{1}{1! z} + \frac{1}{2! z^2} + \frac{1}{3! z^3} + \cdot \cdot \cdot .
The function has an essential singularity around the origin. When we consider (1.2), meanwhile, surprisingly enough, we have:
W(0) = 1.
{\bf The point at infinity is not a number} and so we will not be able to consider the function (3.2) at the zero point $z = 0$, meanwhile, we can consider the value $1$ as in (3.3) at the zero point $z = 0$. How do we consider these situations?
In the famous standard textbook on Complex Analysis, L. V. Ahlfors (\cite{ahlfors}) introduced the point at infinity as a number and the Riemann sphere model as well known, however, our interpretation will be suitable as a number. We will not be able to accept the point at infinity as a number.
As a typical result, we can derive the surprising result: {\it At an isolated singular point of an analytic function, it takes a definite value }{\bf with a natural meaning.} As the important applications for this result, the extension formula of functions with analytic parameters may be obtained and singular integrals may be interpretated with the division by zero, naturally (\cite{msty}).
The division by zero $b/0=0$ is possible and the result is naturally determined, uniquely.
The result does not contradict with the present mathematics - however, in complex analysis, we need only to change a little presentation for the pole; not essentially, because we did not consider the division by zero, essentially.
The common understanding that the division by zero is impossible should be changed with many text books and mathematical science books. The definition of the fractions may be introduced by {\it the method of Michiwaki} in the elementary school, even.
Should we teach the beautiful fact, widely?:
For the elementary graph of the fundamental function
y = f(x) = \frac{1}{x},
f(0) = 0.
The result is applicable widely and will give a new understanding for the universe ({\bf Announcement 166}).
If the division by zero $b/0=0$ is not introduced, then it seems that mathematics is incomplete in a sense, and by the intoduction of the division by zero, mathematics will become complete in a sense and perfectly beautiful.

For the procedure of the developing of the division by zero and for some general ideas on the division by zero, we presented the following announcements in Japanese:
{\bf Announcement 148} (2014.2.12):  $100/0=0, 0/0=0$  --  by a natural extension of fractions -- A wish of the God
{\bf Announcement 154} (2014.4.22): A new world: division by zero, a curious world, a new idea
{\bf Announcement 157} (2014.5.8): We wish to know the idea of the God for the division by zero; why the infinity and zero point are coincident?
{\bf Announcement 161} (2014.5.30): Learning from the division by zero, sprits of mathematics and of looking for the truth
{\bf Announcement 163} (2014.6.17): The division by zero, an extremely pleasant mathematics - shall we look for the pleasant division by zero: a proposal for a fun club looking for the division by zero.
{\bf Announcement 166} (2014.6.29): New general ideas for the universe from the viewpoint of the division by zero
{\bf Announcement 171} (2014.7.30): The meanings of product and division -- The division by zero is trivial from the own sense of the division independently of the concept of product
{\bf Announcement 176} (2014.8.9):  Should be changed the education of the division by zero
L. V. Ahlfors, Complex Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1966.
L. P. Castro and S.Saitoh, Fractional functions and their representations, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory {\bf7} (2013), no. 4, 1049-1063.
S. Koshiba, H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh and M. Yamane,
An interpretation of the division by zero z/0=0 without the concept of product
M. Kuroda, H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh, and M. Yamane,
New meanings of the division by zero and interpretations on $100/0=0$ and on $0/0=0$,
Int. J. Appl. Math. Vol. 27, No 2 (2014), pp. 191-198, DOI: 10.12732/ijam.v27i2.9.
H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh, M. Takagi and M. Yamada,
A new concept for the point at infinity and the division by zero z/0=0
S. Saitoh, Generalized inversions of Hadamard and tensor products for matrices, Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory. Vol.4 No.2 (2014), 87-95. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ALAMT/
S.-E. Takahasi,
{On the identities $100/0=0$ and $ 0/0=0$}
S.-E. Takahasi, M. Tsukada and Y. Kobayashi, Classification of continuous fractional binary operators on the real and complex fields. (submitted)

Title page of Leonhard Euler, Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra, Vol. 1 (edition of 1771, first published in 1770), and p. 34 from Article 83, where Euler explains why a number divided by zero gives infinity.

私は数学を信じない。 アルバート・アインシュタイン
/ I don't believe in mathematics. Albert Einstein→ゼロ除算ができなかったからではないでしょうか。

Einstein's Only Mistake: Division by Zero

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