
Division by zero the Quest for a Mathematical Proof of God

Division by zero the Quest for a Mathematical Proof of God

“Dr James Anderson, a computer science professor at the University of Reading (UK) earned a bit of fame and notoriety in 2006 by claiming he had solved, “a 1200 year old problem,” most notably, he offered a proof that division by zero is possible. Dr Anderson defended the criticism of his claims on BBC Berkshire on 12 December 2006, saying, ‘If anyone doubts me I can hit them over the head with a computer that does it.’” – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Anderson_(computer_scientist)

The purpose of pointing this out has little to do with Dr. Anderson’s claims, or any other rhetoric regarding the “1200 year old” problem. Certain elements of mathematics have exercised the right to divide by zero for years. Mathematicians and physicists like Riemann and Einstein have not only been doing this but also making progress in areas of science that make significant differences in our understanding of nature. However, the persistence of a problem causing it to continue to resurface over a span of time that great makes it worthy of attention.

Instead, the focus of this paper will generally follow a philosophical inquiry identified by Immanuel Kant.

“The vastness of Kant’s influence on Western thought is immeasurable. Over and above his influence on specific thinkers, Kant changed the framework within which philosophical inquiry has been carried out from his day through the present in ways that have been irreversible. In other words, he accomplished a paradigm shift.” – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immanuel_Kant

Best characterized by the notion, “we already have all the answers we just need to ask the right questions.” Kant felt that human beings exercise some fundamental misapplication of knowledge, that is, we have lots of intellectual ability, but for some reason we are unable to apply it appropriately. This results in misconceptions based upon preconceived notions we are unable to shed without a significant and rigorous amount of reflection.

For example, prior to 1905 a great deal of physicists spent thousands of dollars and hours trying to reveal evidence of a, “luminiferous” ether. It took the mental faculties of Albert Einstein to dispel this fundamental obstacle. Noticeably, the matter was reconciled through re-interpretation. That is, the mathematics was telling humanity something and once that “something” was understood, the mathematics did not change. Einstein’s interpretation simply clarified that we were making use of the wrong constants and variables. Once time was identified as a variable and the speed of light became a constant, everything (but the mathematics) changed. This fundamental crisis in modern science instituted a paradigm-shift and ushered in a complete scientific revolution. However, this ability to develop new perceptions regarding the natural world can be characterized as similar to “sleepwalking.” Philosophers of science such as Karl Popper (The Logic of Scientific Discovery) and Thomas Kuhn (The Structure of Scientific Revolutions) have shown that human minds do not consciously develop these ideas, but rather, stumble upon them as the result of exposure to elements of the concepts and ideas over time.

Similar observations in history offer scenarios where the matter of human interpretation was the basic obstacle between progress and understanding. Another example would be Karl Friedrich Gauss’s belief that Euclid’s fifth axiom fails (the parallel postulate). The resulting change in mathematics ushered in the era of Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann’s, non-Euclidean geometry, which allows division by zero and correctly superimposes 182-degree triangles on the surface of the Earth.

It has long been stated that division cannot be allowed when using real numbers because it introduces nagging consistencies in logic. Examples such as 1 = 2 are (correctly) shown, as reasons for the justification that division by zero is not allowed. Even more mystifying is the notion that division by zero remains undefined. Perhaps, reasons behind the mystery become evident when understanding that all difficult problems in philosophy are typically set aside for later while things more easily understood are contemplated for furthering progress in human understanding. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to assume the properties of dividing by zero, are simply set aside, to be investigated later. This allows mathematics to move forward with useful applications while the nagging and poorly understood relevance of division by zero is set aside with an arbitrary rule that suspends its effects on the real number system.

Kurt Godel made progress in furthering mathematical understanding with his “incompleteness theorem,” which asserts that mathematical theories, which are complete, will remain inconsistent. Alternatively, theories, which are consistent, will remain incomplete. This would seem to shed some light on the mystifying parameters surrounding zero. Notably, multiplication and division are inverse operations, yet, with respect to zero, this is not allowed. That is, it is ok to multiply by zero but division by zero is not allowed. This momentarily suggests these are not inverse operations while at all other times multiplication and division are inverse operations.

Not altogether differing from the example above is the changing definition of what a quantity such as zero represents at times asserting it is simply a, “place-holder” on the number line. This implies zero holds a place equal in value and quantity as any other number in the line. This “place” effectively becomes every bit as representative of a quantity as any other place on the line. As a result, this makes zero at a minimum equal in value to at least one, or negative one. Other systems of math suggest that division by zero will yield infinity, which is indicative of anything other than nothing (similarly, its quantity is not the fixed equivalent of any other number on the line). Seemingly, for such a rigorously defined science as mathematics, these perplexing notions require additional investigation in order to develop a consistent definition for the properties of zero.

The purpose of pointing out these nagging little problems is not to develop some nonsensical dilemma designed upon simple semantics. However, semantics has everything to do with the problem. Seemingly, what zero represents and how it is to be handled is entirely based upon a system of semantics related to each specific situation. Zero seems to be at the root of a fundamental philosophical conundrum. Simply put, “even nothing is something, the something it is – is nothing,” at other times, its value is as significant a variable as time is in relativity.

Word games outlined in the form above can easily be interpreted as a simplistic desire for the author to be some sort of smart-alec pointlessly complicating a very simple problem for purposes not altogether clear. This is not the intent, furthermore, the development of semantics offered in the answer above are simply the result of evolving definitions for the meaning of zero in differing situations.

In addition, the evolving definitions that reflect a system of semantics surrounding zero clearly are not as conclusive as results shown by Dr. Anderson, the IEEE arithmetic model, Riemann’s non-Euclidean geometry, and Einstein’s use of that geometry to build a model representative of the observable world. That is, there are very real machines and applications that perform just fine using division by zero as an order of operations. Therefore, there is something unique about the concept of zero that is not entirely understood by human minds. The result of this problem is most likely the consequence of interpretation.

Two of the most significantly perplexing abstractions developed by the human mind are concepts of the existence of God and the concept of a number. Both remain elusive for concrete definition and proof beyond immaterial abstraction. They are two of the most fantastic inventions of human reason and consistently elude formal proof. Are numbers real? Is God real? Trying to provide a definitive answer to these questions has plagued the greatest of minds well beyond a period of 1200-years.

Furthermore, God and zero both entertain some unique similarities. The fact that notions such as “division by zero,” and the “presence of a personal God,” continue to spark vigorous debate is testimony to the absence of the necessary and sufficient explanations required for definition. This should not be interpreted to mean that this author believes in the presence or absence of either entity (numbers or God). Instead, the purpose of this article is designed to inspire the imaginations of the reader in the hope that someday clarity and understanding for both of these perplexing dilemmas will receive resolution.

While it is certain that the absence of clear definition regarding division by zero introduces properties that to a large degree remain incomprehensible, the fact that we can contemplate such possibilities suggests that someday a relevant theoretical formula will offer enough structure for this operation to offer plausible explanations about nature.

Similarly, there may be some effective method in which a proof of God (or the absence of) may become a reality. In fact, earlier philosophical attempts such as the ontological, cosmological, and teleological arguments (for the existence of God) offer more promise in this area than any ideas regarding division by zero in the real number system. However, there are some interesting coincidences observed when using zero in mathematical operations. For example,

Let one be equal to the existence of God

Let zero be equal to the absence of God

Then the statement 1 = 1 is an identity (true statement)

Hence, adding or subtracting from both sides:

1 – 1 = 0 and 1 + 1 = 2

Conversely, multiplying or dividing by both sides:

1 x 1 = 1 and 1/1 = 1

So far, no problem arises and the system remains logically congruent.

However, looking further, we find:

Given 0 = 0 (starting out with the absence of God as an assumption)

Adding or subtracting from both sides:

0 – 0 = 0 and 0 + 0 = 0

Conversely, multiplying or dividing by both sides:

0 x 0 = 0 and 0/0 = 1 or, is undefined? (ending up with the presence of God as a result).

Dividing both sides by zero equals either, one, or remains undefined. Hence, even nothing is something, the something it is, is nothing. The ability to create something from nothing seems to resemble the fundamental scientific premise for the origin of the Universe. The suggestion that there is a God or the answer is undefined is complicated by the fact that the symbol for infinity (a sideways figure eight) is also the symbol for undefined. This seems to allude to the proposition that if God is undefined, God is also infinite.

The purpose here is not to advance notions that mathematics can prove the existence of God. Instead, by examining the behavior of zero in division coincidentally reflects a property that seems to match what modern science suggests heralds as the origin of our Universe. Curiously, this could be the result of people like Einstein and Riemann developing systems that use this property as a fundamental aspect of their theories. Alternatively, this could be an accurate reflection of the origins of the Universe.

In addition, if relevant aspects of any mathematical theory designed to make accurate predictions regarding real properties of nature must generate a geometry consistent with observation, it would seem to follow that the mathematics of such a theory would also offer evidence of the presence or absence of an intelligent designer. That is, if such an entity exists, an accurate theory of cosmology should make predictions regarding such an entity. In this case, the cosmology of physics and the cosmology of hermeneutics (not necessarily verbatim with biblical content) should become congruent if such a concept of God is valid. Alternatively, such a theory should also be able to prove irrefutably no such being exists.

At present, we can make the assertion that the very same biological forces within the human mind that conceived notions of God, also conceived explanations (Einstein’s General theory of Relativity) of the Universe consistent with those notions. This would mean empirical science is little more than the organized witchcraft of some disciplined empirical mediums (scientists). On the other hand, human minds have developed a system (science) that empirically derived the proper answers to the function of the Universe and an inherent result of those empirical discoveries is a persistent notion of the plausibility of a God.

Finally, whatever the reader wishes to believe, the point of the paper is to suggest that perhaps there is another possibility with respect to division by zero. That possibility is that we do not yet understand completely what allowing division by zero means (the results of such equations and definitions are incomprehensible or nonsensical). However, that is the meaning of undefined and this is not the equivalent of impossible. Furthermore, the result of division by zero does not affect the operations of numbers, but rather, requires the correct interpretation of those operations. If there is anything relevant to division by zero, it likely involves interpretation by human beings – not anything to do with mathematical functions.

Someday, the notion of dividing by zero may become elevated to the equivalent of a crisis. At that time, a paradigm-shift will result in a new method of thinking. This may usher in an era of unprecedented advances and consequently a new scientific revolution. Certainly, at the moment Dr. Anderson, the IEEE arithmetic model, Riemann’s non-Euclidean geometry, and Einstein’s use of that geometry are all examples of division by zero being used in real-world applications. Furthermore, Einstein’s equations (using Riemann’s geometry where division by zero is allowed) reflects what is really observed in nature. This makes the 0/0 = (1, infinite, or undefined) example uncanny in terms of a proof for the presence of a God.http://www.actforlibraries.org/division-by-zero-the-quest-for-a-mathematical-proof-of-god/

再生核研究所声明296(2016.05.06)   ゼロ除算の混乱

ところが数学界の定説には満足せず、今尚熱い話題、問題として、議論されている。理由は、ゼロで割れないという例外がどうして存在するのかという、素朴な疑問とともに、積極的に、計算機がゼロ除算に出会うと混乱を起こす具体的な懸案問題を解消したいという明確な動機があること、他の動機としてはアインシュタインの相対性理論の上手い解釈を求めることである。これにはアインシュタインが直接言及しているように、ゼロ除算はブラックホールに関係していて、ブラックホールの解明を意図している面もある。偶然、アインシュタイン以後100年 実に面白い事件が起きていると言える。偶然、20年以上も考えて解明できたとの著書さえ出版された。― これは、初めから、間違いであると理由を付けて質問を送っているが、納得させる回答が無い。実名を上げず、具体的に 状況を客観的に述べたい。尚、ゼロ除算はリーマン仮説に密接に関係があるとの情報があるが 詳しいことは分からない。
1: ゼロ除算回避を目指して、新しい代数的な構造を研究しているグループ、相当な積み重ねのある理論を、体や環の構造で研究している。例えて言うと、ゼロ除算は沢山存在するという、考え方と言える。― そのような抽象的な理論は不要であると主張している。
2:同じくゼロ除算回避を志向して 何と0/0 を想像上の数として導入し、正、負無限大とともに数として導入して、新しい数の体系と演算の法則を考え、展開している。相当なグループを作っているという。BBCでも報じられたが、数学界の評判は良くないようである。― そのような抽象的な理論は不要であると主張している。
3:最近、アインシュタインの理論の専門家達が アインシュタインの理論から、0/0=1, 1/0=無限 が出て、ゼロ除算は解決したと報告している。― しかし、これについては、論理的な間違いがあると具体的に指摘している。結果も我々の結果と違っている。
4:数学界の永い定説では、1/0 は不可能もしくは、極限の考え方で、無限遠点を対応させる. 0/0 は不定、解は何でも良いとなっている。― 数学に基本的な欠落があって、ゼロ除算を導入しなければ数学は不完全であると主張し、新しい世界観を提起している。
ここ2年間の研究で、ゼロ除算は 何時でもゼロz/0=0であるとして、 上記の全ての立場を否定して、新しい理論の建設を進めている。z/0 は 普通の分数ではなく、拡張された意味でと初期から説明しているが、今でも誤解していて、混乱している人は多い、これは真面目に論文を読まず、初めから、問題にしていない証拠であると言える。

再生核研究所声明 277(2016.01.26):アインシュタインの数学不信 ― 数学の欠陥
再生核研究所声明 278(2016.01.27): 面白いゼロ除算の混乱と話題
再生核研究所声明279(2016.01.28) : ゼロ除算の意義
再生核研究所声明280(2016.01.29) : ゼロ除算の公認、認知を求める

我々のゼロ除算について8歳の少女が3週間くらいで、当たり前であると理解し、高校の先生たちも、簡単に理解されている数学、それを数学の専門家や、ゼロ除算の専門家が2年を超えても、誤解したり、受け入れられない状況は誠に奇妙で、アリストテレスの2000年を超える世の連続性についての固定した世界観や、上記天才数学者たちの足跡、数学界の定説に まるで全く嵌っている状況に感じられる。

以 上



1 割り算を掛け算の逆と考えた事
2 極限で考えようとした事
3 教科書やあらゆる文献が、不可能であると書いてあるので、みんなそう思った。


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