
Anti Aristotle - The Division Of Zero By Zero

Anti Aristotle - The Division Of Zero By Zero

Jan Pavo Barukčić 1, 2 and Ilija Barukčić 3, 4
1 Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Münster, Einsteinstr. 62, 48149 Münster,
2 Corresponding author: j_baru01@uni-münster.de
3 Horandstrasse, DE-26441 Jever, Germany.
4 Corresponding author: Barukcic@t-online.de
Manuscript submitted to viXra.org on Friday, June 5, 2015
Abstract. Today, the division of zero by zero (0/0) is a concept in philosophy, mathematics and physics
without a definite solution. On this view, we are left with an inadequate and unsatisfactory situation that we
are not allowed to divide zero by zero while the need to divide zero by zero (i. e. divide a tensor component
which is equal to zero by another tensor component which is equal to zero) is great. A solution of the
philosophically, logically, mathematically and physically far reaching problem of the division of zero by zero
(0/0) is still not in sight. The aim of this contribution is to solve the problem of the division of zero by zero
(0/0) while relying on Einstein's theory of special relativity. In last consequence, Einstein's theory of special
relativity demands the division of zero by zero. Due to Einstein's theory of special relativity it is (0/0) = 1.
As we will see, either we must accept the division of zero by zero as possible and defined or we must
abandon Einstein's theory of special relativity as refuted.
Key words: Number theory, Relativity theory, causality.
1. Introduction
The development of mathematical science is full of contradictions and serious
misrepresentations, especially concerning the division of zero (denoted by the sign 0) by zero.
In contemporary mathematics a division of zero by zero (0/0) is called an indeterminate form
and still, it is customary to claim that a division of zero by zero (0/0) has no defined value.
Historically, some kind of symbols for zero or empty places corresponding in this respect to
our zero in the positional representation of numbers were already used by the Babylonians,
the Greeks, and the Mayas too. Nevertheless, in many reference works in mathematics, the
arithmetic of zero is credited entirely to the Hindu contribution and especially to
"the arithmetic of zero is entirely the Hindu contribution to the development of mathematical
science. With no other early nations do we find any treatment of zero." [1]
In contrast to the statement above, especially Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC), a pupil of Plato,
contributed some very important positions concerning the numerical notion of zero and to
the result of division by zero. Moreover, Aristotle himself explicitly stated the impossibility of http://vixra.org/pdf/1506.0041v1.pdf

再生核研究所声明295(2016.04.07) 無限の先にあるもの、永遠の先にあるもの ―盲点

再生核研究所声明292(2016.03.25) ユークリッド幾何学、非ユークリッド幾何学、平行線公理、そしてゼロ除算

再生核研究所声明290(2016.03.01) 神の隠し事、神の意地悪、人類の知能の程

再生核研究所声明287(2016.02.12) 神秘的なゼロ除算の歴史―数学界で見捨てられていたゼロ除算

ゼロ除算の本質的な解明とは、Aristotélēs の世界観、universe は連続である を否定して、強力な不連続性を universe の自然な現象として受け入れられることである。数学では、その強力な不連続性を自然なものとして説明され、解明されることが求められる。

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