
In search of nothingness

In search of nothingness

Posted on Monday, 12 January, 2009 |  16 comments
Columnist: Peter Fotis Kapnistos

On Vacation with Stephen Hawking - "Do you believe in God?" a TV reporter asked Stephen Hawking in 1998 at the 2nd Samos Meeting on Cosmology, Geometry and Relativity. After a long silence of reverie, Hawking´s wheelchair computer finally began to speak: "I make it a point not to answer that particular question," he said. "But if I get to know you better, maybe we can talk about it someday." The sound of laugher echoed from end to end of the seaside resort´s conference room.

The summer vacation ambiance of the Mediterranean island of Samos took on a peculiar degree of intensity with the arrival of the world´s most famous mathematician, Professor Stephen Hawking, and his influential team of physicists, cosmologists and nuclear scientists. Sleek notebook computers rested on top of outsized hotel fitments, connected to high-speed network cables. Dark briefcases sat up like placards over elegant chaise longues. Only a small part of the general population could understand the complex calculations of quantum theory or the bizarre geometry of black holes. They were the delegates of this plush beach conference held in the small town of Pythagoreon. I had a gut feeling that outdoor cafes and restaurants were crawling with security agents acting as if they were tourists.

In the 1940s, Albert Einstein, the originator of relativity theory, surprised the scientific community when he informed the White House of a secret Nazi industrial unit capable of making nuclear weapons. A frantic race to produce the first atomic bomb formally began. U.S. Army General Leslie R. Groves directed the Manhattan Project and established a covert operation codenamed ´Alsos´ to locate the site of Nazi atomic research. But a generation after Hitler´s terrifying war and the rubble of two atomic bombs, a German nuclear factory was never found. It faded from our memory together with the myth of the German Southern Redoubt — an inner fortress from which Nazi Germany would strike with terrible weapons and "snatch victory at one minute past twelve."

In 1998, Stephen Hawking cautioned the industrialized world when his co-workers hinted of an atomic factory near the Middle East that might soon be capable of making nuclear weapons. Self-directed rumormongers even suggested that Muslim extremists intended to bring into play the same deceptions used by Berlin in the 1940s. Some years later, after the events of 9/11 and a second U.S.-led war against Iraq, a fresh adaptation of the Southern Redoubt legend fiercely rematerialized: Where was Saddam Hussein´s secret military research fortress? Where were his terrible weapons of mass destruction?

The escalation of modern nuclear weapons progressed from the first atomic bomb test in New Mexico to an overpowering hydrogen bomb explosion in the Pacific Ocean. It speedily developed to the presently refined missile-delivered neutron bombs of the 21st Century. Some defense watchers, who were armed with an improved understanding of the structure of neutron stars, boldly predicted that a future generation of nuclear weapons could very well be "collapsar" weapons, or man-made black hole bombs. They suck. They really do.

In 2004, Stephen Hawking announced a radical revision of his ideas at a conference on general relativity and gravitation in Dublin. He had previously thought that all information swallowed by a black hole could never be retrieved. A black hole is produced when a star collapses. Neutron stars are the end point of a star´s life before forming into a black hole. Hawking once assumed that black holes must produce such strong gravitational fields that anything entering them is sucked in and can never escape. In other words, the fundamental substance of black holes was formerly understood to be the immeasurable nothingness of a singularity. But in Dublin, Hawking revealed findings that contradicted the key theory he had held for thirty years. He was now certain that black holes do not form a boundary from which nothing can escape. Rather, they form a blurred event horizon through which information can eventually return to our universe in the form of "Hawking Radiation."

It now seemed that the psyche´s longstanding quest for emptiness had finally reached a logical climax. The troublesome issue appeared to have been settled at last — nothingness might not exist after all. For when a black hole evaporates, its ultimate ending is not a void blankness, but a flow of information that returns to our universe in jumbled form. So where is the vague and intangible spot of non-existence, or place of oblivion so many of us blindly believed in? By definition, there probably is none. Our rapidly expanding universe does not really have room for "nothingness." Stephen Hawking´s new hypothesis allegedly confirmed this.

By integrating gravitation with quantum theory, Hawking supposedly solved the "information paradox" and introduced a new premise for the unified field theory. Celebrated as the definitive Holy Grail of physics, the unified field theory (sometimes called the Theory of Everything) is the long-sought equation to explain the nature and behavior of all matter and energy in existence. Indeed, Stephen Hawking´s latest concept had a very striking meaning for me. I had once spoken with him and applauded him to pursue it, while vacationing on the enchanted island of Pythagoras:

"Do you find yourself paralyzed in your dreams?" another TV reporter asked Stephen Hawking. His computer replied: "No I don´t. I move freely in my dreams. My handicap is not even noticeable."

"Do you think it will soon be possible to produce a theory of everything? A unified field theory that will explain all that exists in a simple equation, which can be printed on a kid´s t-shirt?" I asked Stephen Hawking (after presenting him with a t-shirt containing some Greek letters).

"I give it a fifty-fifty chance," Hawking answered me. "I said so twenty years ago and I still have the same outlook. I think there´s a fifty-fifty possibility that the theory of everything will be discovered within our lifetime."

Looking for Lord Kelvin´s Zero

On the Kelvin temperature scale, "zero" is the coldest possible temperature. At absolute zero (-273.15° on the Celsius scale) all molecular motion ceases. But it is not theoretically possible to cool any substance to 0 K. Therefore, even in nature, absolute zero does not really exist. It simply cannot be found. Unfortunately, many people who claim to hold a "scientific point of view" profess that the only serious pragmatism is existential nihilism. The worst confusion they can get themselves into is a desolate faith in zero or "nothingness."

The axioms of mathematics prove that dividing by zero cannot produce anything. Nor can zero be multiplied. Pulling rabbits out of a hat may seem preposterous and silly to the intellectual mind. Yet, a most irrational form of "magical thinking" plagues modern skeptics who bluntly imagine that our universe "came out of nothing" for no evident reason and will probably coincidentally "return to nothing." A division by zero has utterly no meaning. So why do numerous academics adhere to such an illogical notion?

According to Sigmund Freud, various people will cling to absurd ideas simply to "get laid." Since God symbolizes a moral code that forbids careless sex and other lapses, they will resort to the unfounded "divide by zero" paradigm as an easy alternative that allows them to pander to hedonism. They will even go so far as to call themselves clever and to identify their challengers as stupid enemies of science.

Existential nothingness is typically described as a great space or empty region that extends infinitely and lasts forever — like dreamless sleep. But the strict zero of science is just the opposite of what nihilists usually like to make up. Zero has no dimensions whatsoever. In size, it is slighter than the smallest thing measurable. In duration, it hangs around less than the shortest time interval. In fact, it doesn´t exist at all. An imagined immense void that lasts forever is certainly not equal to zero.

Since it is fallacious, academics have to get over the idea of nothingness and the conviction that everything came out of zero. Division by zero or meaning out of nothing represents a false statement. We cannot divide zero into small parts and use them to make something greater. So why do some scientists believe it´s the source of our being? Wouldn´t it be more intelligent to accept that something >0 always is, and that it is neither trivial nor accidental? According to Charles Seife in "Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea," dividing by zero is so laughable and unscientific that it "allows you to prove, mathematically, anything in the universe." Such are the reckless consequences of modern-day nihilism.

The word "zero" comes from the Arabic sifr, which also gives us the term "cipher." The early use of zero did not denote a number at all, but merely the use of a punctuation mark so that numbers had the proper reading. Zero as an empty placeholder came into use in Babylonian mathematics. There is evidence that a dot had been used in Indian manuscripts to denote an empty place in positional notation. The first use of the symbol, which we recognize today as the notation for zero, appeared when Greek astronomers began to use the figure 0. The paradoxes of the philosopher Zeno are based on the vague understanding of zero.

A source of present-day nihilism can be traced back to a 16th century sect in Afghanistan called the Roshaniya or "the Illuminati." The Roshaniya were armies of radical bandits (linked to the "Assassins" of Persia) from the mountains of northern Arabia who did not believe in religion or an afterlife. However, in order to win local collaboration, they masqueraded as Sufi prophets and evasively claimed spiritual descent from helpers of Muhammad who assisted in his flight from Mecca. The Illuminati broke into medieval Spain under the name of the Alumbrados in 1512. The sect was lastly renovated in the 1700s, with the appointment of the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati (or "Perfectibilists"). The original Illuminati were in fact "atheist jihadists" from the northwest of Pakistan whose prototype finally infiltrated Europe and applied the Moslem faith as a lure to deceive and fleece their client victims. One of their chief targets was the Vatican, which portrayed them as "Luciferians." Ministered to by Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt, the Bavarian Illuminati cult gained access to Freemasonry and was masked to appear as an offshoot of the Enlightenment in 1776. Journalists such as David Icke and Alex Jones claim that Illuminati accomplices like Rudolf von Sebottendorff, Dietrich Eckart, and Aleister Crowley helped to shape the occult core of Nazism, and the Roshaniya Illuminati survived to this day — 9/11 was a measure of their power.

Returning to the clinical Freudian view, it seems that nihilists who will divide by zero without thinking appear to be rather poor at sex nonetheless. Their notion of a meaningful relationship is little more than a one-night stand, or perhaps a "one-life fling" that swiftly melts into nothingness beyond death. But partners who believe in the continuum of Life seem to enjoy greater skills in bonding by entering into what they identify as a timeless or unending love affair. They seemingly trust in a sacred infinite relationship. This, of course, is what the human dream is all about.

Becoming one with the essence of Life is gladly whispered to be set in the midst of an ecstatic spirit that unites true lovers for all time. The world´s greatest romantic literature of past generations clearly attests to that. Compare that to today´s alienated online sex gossip and the dissimilarity is astonishing. But why would anyone want to reject the human dream? Fear and loathing are often cited as starting points for uncaring lovers. Nihilists will insist on identifying with "the nature of animals" rather than standing up for the transcendence of the human spirit. And to achieve such displeasure, they commonly resort to vulgar mockery — sex becomes a dirty joke to them. According to nihilists, lovers cannot share private dreams because telepathy is impossible. They only make those things up to "get laid."

It goes without saying that nihilists who will divide by zero don´t feel affection in favor of God. What´s more, they also tend to lean heavily on an outmoded, earth-centered view that conceitedly presumes "the mind of Homo sapiens" to be the rational focal point of the entire cosmos. This oddly geocentric idea is an admission of peer pressure so dubious that no responsible theorist can publicly admit it today. We are consistently told that God is not a physical or material being. Yet, nihilists are always seeking external or "physical proof" of God, seemingly unaware of the duplicity of their approach.

It is often said that the way to look is inward, within your self. What we call God, or the gods, are moods and mental states that humans experience. They are archetypes, and anyone who thinks that our moods are not important and can be brushed off is making a very big mistake. For, once you cut off or minimize the belief in something greater, you also deny yourself the possibility of becoming greater. Our modern industrialized "raunch-culture," typified by cynical activists like Brian Sapient, is a cheerless example of America´s demoralized adolescence. Uri Geller, a relative of Sigmund Freud who is noted for his colourful involvement in the paranormal, says Sapient´s skeptical detractors have subjected him to unfair discrimination. They have also posted online videos showing dog poop on a bible. All in all, God is the natural archetype of love. Minimize that within yourself and you will become cynical of beauty and a scorner of humanity — a trap that many nihilists fall into.

Learning That Something Always Exists

To avoid the ignobleness of nihilism, we must agree, "something always exists," with no beginning or end. This, of course, can be rather hard to swallow for those who have gotten used to dividing by zero when allowing for absolute truths. So let´s think of a cosmic container or wrapper < > full of nothingness. Although it´s empty, we can easily imagine that our theoretical bare container logically exists for all eternity (nihilists imagine it all the time). But let´s assume that sporadic quantum fluctuations can occur in our empty container. This is exactly what happens in reality. Cosmic ripples were discovery by John Mather and George Smoot of NASA´s Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite team, which won them the 2006 Nobel Prize in physics. In 1992, Stephen Hawking called their finding "the greatest discovery of the century, if not of all time." These tiny variations in the cosmic background radiation correspond to minute clumping of matter in the expanding universe.

Therefore instead of nothingness, we surprisingly find that "something always exists" — small temperature variations or tiny bits of motion. Indeed, the perpetual quantum vacuum is not and never will be zero. Another way of looking at it would be to say that a "logical field" always exists in the background of empirical reality. It represents the canvas or backdrop upon which everything else exists. Even if our universe were to suddenly vanish, the logical field would still be eternally present. It has no beginning or end, and contains the essence of all possible "multiverses" and laws of the natural world. It simply always is:

In the beginning was pure reason,

Self-existent, without flaw.

Of its own, the first known season,

Primal cause of mind and law.

Spiritual people have often referred to the logical field as "a consuming fire." Many scientists today might agree. The fire in their equation may be an exotic form of matter called "a quark-gluon plasma," thought to be the state of our universe at the instant of the Big Bang, according to John Cramer from the University of Washington. This plasma spark has all the properties of self-organization and emergence. As one might expect of an "a priori" logical field, it contains the coupling constants (i.e., pure numbers) that determine the roles and dynamics of all the forces of nature. Logic (or logos) is the first miracle. Why should there be laws of nature? Where do they come from? Why is a circle always 360 degrees? Why does water at all times boil at the same temperature? What are geometrical necessities? The universe exists, not by magic, but because "it is logically so." On August 12, 2007, Robert Booth of the Sunday Times described the recent need to define the criteria for what we think of as Life:

Scientists have discovered that inorganic material can take on the characteristics of living organisms in space, a development that could transform views of alien life. An international panel from the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Max Planck institute in Germany and the University of Sydney found that galactic dust could form spontaneously into helixes and double helixes and that the inorganic creations had memory and the power to reproduce themselves. The National Research Council, an advisory body to the U.S. government, is undertaking a similar rethinking of prospective alien life. It says NASA should start a search for what it describes as "weird life" — organisms that lack DNA or other molecules found in life on Earth.

If approached with veneration and deep respect, what can be taught to us by the logical field? Will it reveal Man´s place in the universe? Despite all the new evidence, contemporary nihilists will probably continue to believe in nothingness. The end result of their existential "angst," according to recent medical research, will be excessive stress, hypertension, and the increased likelihood of heart disease. But, if truth be told, is it really worth it?

It seems that all nihilists at present oddly believe they are so important that when they finally die, the laws of cause and effect will entirely be cancelled out. Blazing cosmic fires, strong nuclear processes, and vast galactic forces will presumably cease to exist — from their frame of reference. But what probably alarms modern nihilists the most are the ever-increasing reports of near death experiences (NDEs). These cases are usually reported after an individual has been pronounced clinically dead, and include sensations of detachment from the body. Expert nihilists of course would wish to regard such experiences as hallucinatory. If only they could divide by zero.

Stephen Hawking once wrote: "If we do discover a complete theory, it should in time be understandable in broad principle by everyone, not just a few scientists. Then we shall all, philosophers, scientists, and just ordinary people, be able to take part in the discussion of the question of why it is that we and the universe exist. If we find the answer to that, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason — for then we would know the mind of God."

Article Copyright© Peter Fotis Kapnistos - reproduced with permission.http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/column.php?id=144453


再生核研究所声明311(2016.07.05) ゼロ0とは何だろうか


数の 0 は最小の非負整数である。0 の後続の自然数は 1 であり、0 より前に自然数は存在しない。数 0 を自然数に含めることも含めないこともあるが、0 は整数であり、有理数であり、実数(あるいは代数的数、複素数)である。
数 0 は正でも負でもなく、素数でも合成数でも単数でもない。しかし、0は偶数である。
以下は数 0 を扱う上での初等的な決まりごとである。これらの決まりはxを任意の実数あるいは複素数として適用して構わないが、それ以外の場合については何も言及していないということについては理解されなければならない。
加法:x + 0 = 0 +x=x. つまり 0 は加法に関する単位元である。
減法: x− 0 =x, 0 −x= −x.
乗法:x 0 = 0 ·x= 0.
除法:xが 0 でなければ0x= 0 である。しかしx0は、0 が乗法に関する逆元を持たないために、(従前の規則の帰結としては)定義されない(ゼロ除算を参照)。

これらの座標系が無ければ、直線や平面はただ伸びたり、拡がったりする空間、位相的な点集合であると考えられるだろう。― 厳密に言えば、混沌、幻のようなものである。単に伸びたり、広がった空間にゼロ、原点を対応させるということは 位置の基準点を定めること と考えられるだろう。基準点は直線や平面上の勝手な点にとれることに注意して置こう。原点だけでは、方向の概念がないから、方向の基準を勝手に決める必要がある。直線の場合には、直線は点で2つの部分に分けられるので、一方が正方向で、他が負方向である。平面の場合には、原点から出る勝手な半直線を基準、正方向として定めて、原点を回る方向を定めて、普通は時計の回りの反対方向を 正方向と定める。これで、直線や平面に方向の概念が導入されたが、さらに、距離(長さ)の単位を定めるため、原点から、正方向の点(これも勝手に指定できる)を1として定める。実数の場合にも複素数の場合にも数字の1をその点で表す。以上で、位置、方向、距離の概念が導入されたので、あとはそれらを基礎に数直線や複素平面(座標)を考える、すなわち、直線と実数、平面と複素数を1対1に対応させる。これで、実数も複素数も秩序づけられ、明瞭に表現されたと言える。ゼロとは何だろうか、それは基準の位置を定めることと発想できるだろう。
― 国家とは何だろうか。国家意思を定める権力機構を定め、国家を動かす基本的な秩序を定めることであると原理を述べることができるだろう。
数直線や複素平面では 基準点、0と1が存在する。これから数学を展開する原理を下記で述べている:



複素平面ではさらに大事な点として、純虚数i が存在するが、ゼロ除算の発見で、最近、明確に認識された意外な点は、実数の場合にも、複素数の場合にも、ゼロに対応する点が存在するという発見である。ゼロに対応する点とは何だろうか?
直線や平面で実数や複素数で表されない点が存在するであろうか? 無理して探せば、いずれの場合にも、原点から無限に遠ざかった先が気になるのではないだろうか? そうである立体射影した場合における無限遠点が正しくゼロに対応する点ではないかと発想するだろう。その美しい点は無限遠点としてその美しさと自然さ故に100年を超えて数学界の定説として揺るぐことはなかった。ゼロに対応する点は無限遠点で、1/0=∞ と考えられてきた。オイラー、アーベル、リーマンの流れである。
ところが、ゼロ除算は1/0=0 で、実は無限遠点はゼロに対応していることが確認された。
直線を原点から、どこまでも どこまでも遠ざかって行くと、どこまでも行くが、その先まで行くと(無限遠点)突然、ゼロに戻ることを示している。これが数学であり、我々の空間であると考えられる。この発見で、我々の数学の結構な部分が修正、補充されることが分かりつつある。
ゼロ除算は可能であり、我々の空間の認識を変える必要がある。ゼロで割る多くの公式である意味のある世界が広がってきた。それらが 幾何学、解析学、代数学などと調和して数学が一層美しい世界であることが分かってきた。

全ての直線はある意味で、原点、基準点を通ることが示されるが、これは無限遠点の影が投影されていると解釈され、原点はこの意味で2重性を有している、無限遠点と原点が重なっている現象を表している。この2重性は 基本的な指数関数y=e^x が原点で、0 と1 の2つの値をとると表現される。このことは、今後大きな意味を持ってくるだろう。


2点から無限に遠い点 無限遠点は異なり、無限遠点は基準点原点の指定で定まるとの認識は面白く、大事ではないだろうか。
以 上

再生核研究所声明232(2015.5.26)無限大とは何か、無限遠点とは何か。― 驚嘆すべきゼロ除算の結果

まず、ウィキペディアで無限大、無限遠点立体射影: 語句を確認して置こう:

無限大 :記号∞ (アーベルなどはこれを 1 / 0 のように表記していた)で表す。 大雑把に言えば、いかなる数よりも大きいさまを表すものであるが、より明確な意味付けは文脈により様々である。例えば、どの実数よりも大きな(実数の範疇からはずれた)ある特定の“数”と捉えられることもある(超準解析や集合の基数など)し、ある変量がどの実数よりも大きくなるということを表すのに用いられることもある(極限など)。無限大をある種の数と捉える場合でも、それに適用される計算規則の体系は1つだけではない。実数の拡張としての無限大には ∞ (+∞) と −∞ がある。大小関係を定義できない複素数には無限大の概念はないが、類似の概念として無限遠点を考えることができる。また、計算機上ではたとえば∞+iのような数を扱えるものも多い。
無限遠点 : ユークリッド空間平行に走るが、交差するとされる空間外のあるいは拡張された空間における無限遠の点。平行な直線のクラスごとに1つの無限遠点があるとする場合は射影空間が得られる。この場合、無限遠点の全体は1つの超平面(無限遠直線、無限遠平面 etc.)を構成する。また全体でただ1つの無限遠点があるとする場合は(球面が得られる。複素平面に1つの無限遠点 ∞ を追加して得られるリーマン球面は理論上きわめて重要である。無限遠点をつけ加えてえられる射影空間や超球面はいずれもコンパクトになる。

立体射影: 数学的な定義

·         http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e3/Stereoprojzero.svg/220px-Stereoprojzero.svg.png
·         単位球の北極から z = 0 の平面への立体射影を表した断面図P の像がP ' である。
·         冒頭のように、数学ではステレオ投影の事を写像として立体射影と呼ぶので、この節では立体射影と呼ぶ。 この節では、単位球を北極から赤道を通る平面に投影する場合を扱う。その他の場合はあとの節で扱う。
·         3次元空間 R3 内の単位球面は、x2 + y2 + z2 = 1 と表すことができる。ここで、点 N = (0, 0, 1) を"北極"とし、M は球面の残りの部分とする。平面 z = 0 は球の中心を通る。"赤道"はこの平面と、この球面の交線である。
·         M 上のあらゆる点 P に対して、N と P を通る唯一の直線が存在し、その直線が平面z = 0 に一点 P ' で交わる。P立体射影による像は、その平面上のその点P ' であると定義する。

無限大とは何だろうか。 図で、xの正方向を例えば考えてみよう。 0、1、2、3、、、などの正の整数を簡単に考えると、 どんな大きな数(正の) n に対しても より大きな数n + 1 が 考えられるから、正の数には 最も大きな数は存在せず、 幾らでも大きな数が存在する。限りなく大きな数が存在することになる。 そうすると無限大とは何だろうか。 普通の意味で数でないことは明らかである。 よく記号∞や記号+∞で表されるが、明確な定義をしないで、それらの演算、2 x∞、∞+∞、∞-∞、∞x∞,∞/∞ 等は考えるべきではない。無限大は普通の数ではない。 無限大は、極限を考えるときに有効な自然な、明確な概念、考えである。 幾らでも大きくなるときに 無限大の記号を用いる、例えばxが どんどん大きくなる時、 x^2 (xの2乗)は 無限大に近づく、無限大である、無限に発散すると表現して、lim_{x \to +\infty}  x^2 =+∞ と表す。 記号の意味はxが 限りなく大きくなるとき、x の2乗も限りなく大きくなるという意味である。 無限大は決まった数ではなくて、どんどん限りなく 大きくなっていく 状況 を表している。
さて、図で、 x が正の方向で どんどん大きくなると、 すなわち、図で、P ダッシュが どんどん右方向に進むとき、図の対応で、Pがどんどん、 Nに近づくことが分かるだろう。
x軸全体は 円周の1点Nを除いた部分と、 1対1に対応することが分かる。 すなわち、直線上のどんな点も、円周上の1点が対応し、逆に、円周の1点Nを除いた部分 のどんな点に対しても、直線上の1点が対応する。
面白いことは、正の方向に行っても、負の方向に行っても原点からどんどん遠ざかれば、円周上では Nの1点にきちんと近づいていることである。双方の無限の彼方が、N の1点に近づいていることである。
この状況は、z平面の原点を通る全ての直線についても言えるから、平面全体は球面全体からNを除いた球面に 1対1にちょうど写っていることが分かる。
そこで、平面上のあらゆる方向に行った先が存在するとして 想像上の点 を考え、その点に球面上の点 Nを対応させる。 すると、平面にこの想像上の点を加えた拡張平面は 球面全体 (リーマン球面と称する) と1対1に 対応する。この点が 無限遠点で符号のつかない ∞ で 表す。 このようにして、無限を見ることが、捉えることができたとして、喜びが湧いてくるのではないだろうか。 実際、これが100年を越えて、複素解析学で考えられてきた無限遠点で 美しい理論体系を形作ってきた。
しかしながら、無限遠点は 依然として、数であるとは言えない。人為的に無限遠点に 代数的な構造を定義しても、人為的な感じは免れず、形式的、便宜的なもので、普通の数としては考えられないと言える。
ところが、ゼロ除算の結果は、1 / 0 はゼロであるというのであるから、これは、上記で何を意味するであろうか。基本的な関数 W=1/z の対応は、z =0 以外は1対1、z =0 は W=0 に写り、全平面を全平面に1対1に写している。 ゼロ除算には無限遠点は存在せず、 上記 立体射影で、 Nの点が突然、0 に対応していることを示している。 平面上で原点から、どんどん遠ざかれば、 どんどんNに近づくが、ちょうどN に対応する点では、 突然、0 である。
上記引用で、記号∞ (アーベルなどはこれを 1 / 0 のように表記していた)、オイラーもゼロ除算は 極限の概念を用いて、無限と理解していたとして、天才 オイラーの間違いとして指摘されている。
ここで、無限大について、空間的に考えたが、個数の概念で、無限とは概念が異なることに注意して置きたい。 10個、100個、無限個という場合の無限は異なる考えである。自然数1,2,3、、、等は無限個存在すると表現する。驚嘆すべきことは、無限個における無限には、幾らでも大きな無限が存在することである。 例えば、自然数の無限は最も小さな無限で、1cm の長さの線分にも、1mの長さの線分にも同数の点(数、実数)が存在して、自然数全体よりは 大きな無限である。点の長さはゼロであるが、点の集まりである1cmの線分には長さがあるのは、線分には点の個数が、それこそ目もくらむほどの多くの点があり、長さゼロの点をそれほど沢山集めると,正の長さが出てくるほどの無限である。

以 上

世界中で、ゼロ除算は 不可能 か 
可能とすれば ∞  だと考えられていたが・・・
しかし、ゼロ除算 はいつでも可能で、解は いつでも0であるという意外な結果が得られた。

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