
Isaac Newton, especialista em Gestão Pública

Isaac Newton, especialista em Gestão Pública

O consultor Isaac Newton, autor do ‘Manual de Orientação Municipal’, lançou o livro ‘Direito Municipal Brasileiro’ abordando a gestão pública para técnicos e políticos do interior do Estado na última quarta-feira (16). O lançamento do seu novo livro aconteceu no encontro de ‘Orientação com Prefeitos Eleitos e Reeleitos’ promovido pelo Tribunal de Contas dos Municípios (TCM), no Hotel Fiesta, em Salvador. Isaac que também atua como advogado e consultor na área pública municipal. É coordenador da Pós-graduação em Direito Público Municipal da Universidade Católica do Salvador (UCSAL), especialista em Direito Administrativo, Processo Civil pela UFBA, e em magistratura pela UFBa/EMAB, além de ser mestrando em Planejamento Territorial pela UCSAL. Em entrevista ao Bahia Notícias, Newton respondeu sobre questões da administração pública no interior da Bahia, salientando as responsabilidades e dificuldades dos novos gestores. “O prefeito precisa tomar atitudes muito severas e, às vezes, muito difíceis de serem tomadas”, afirmou o coordenador levando em consideração a perspectiva financeira para os próximos anos. Newton ainda durante a entrevista destacou a importância da imprensa, “fiscalizadora e instruída será capaz de traduzir os números e dados fazendo a abertura efetiva”.
De que forma os gestores públicos vão administrar os municípios com os cortes de recursos previstos para os próximos anos?
A previsão da PEC que transita hoje no Congresso é que haja uma redução de recursos públicos, transferidos e de novas receitas municipais oriundas da União. Os municípios vão ter que viver com seus recursos próprios, isso significa que eles vão ter que fazer ajustes efetivos nas suas despesas, considerando um cenário atual de receita, o que significa ajuste.
O prefeito eleito de Bom Jesus da Lapa, Eures Ribeiro, afirmou em entrevista ao BN que tem o objetivo de deixar ao final de 2017 a cidade com R$ 15 milhões nos cofres públicos, por exemplo. Levando em consideração o cenário econômico nacional é possível que isso aconteça?
Sem dúvida. O prefeito deve estar fazendo uma gestão muito austera, reduzindo com certeza despesas de custeio e com pessoal, e deve estar alinhando a gestão aos interesses do município nos investimentos, pois os recursos municipais pertencem ao atendimento da sociedade. Ele deve estar fazendo um planejamento para que esses recursos sejam empregados certamente numa hora mais adequada, com um impacto diferenciado. A administração da cidade é a forma com que cada prefeito devolve à sociedade aquilo que a sociedade pactuou com ele.
A maioria dos prefeitos quem tem suas contas rejeitadas pelo TCM atualmente tem como motivo o limite de gastos com pessoal. Para o senhor o limite de 54% condiz com a realidade da maioria dos municípios baianos?
Nos últimos anos nós temos visto o Tribunal de Contas rejeitar uma série imensa de contas, um número significativo, 20%, 30% com base no excesso de gasto com pessoal ou não aplicação de índice. O gasto com pessoal tem se mostrado o principal fator de rejeição. Me parece que essa situação decorre do aumento da receita que acontece todos os anos com o incremento dos impostos, mas que não está alcançando o aumento da despesa com pessoal. As despesas fixas tem sido maior, esse custo é proveniente dos servidores contratados em concurso público. O prefeito precisa tomar atitudes muito severas, por vezes muito difíceis de serem tomadas, e nas contratações de pessoal especial ou temporário, ele tem que ser muito severo. Esse é o grande problema de ajustes, certamente o prefeito não consegue às vezes vislumbrar no transcurso do ano que ele não conseguirá ultrapassar esse ajuste e isso que tem gerado problemas. Resta a cada gestor trabalhar a partir do ano que vem uma austeridade radical nesse tipo de despesa, tendo uma programação viável para os níveis de receita, que podem cair eventualmente não alcançando os índices do salário mínimo ou o aumento de folha de pessoal, por exemplo.
Os índices estabelecidos para a educação e saúde condizem com a realidade da maioria dos municípios baianos?
Esses índices refletem uma politica que a Constituição adotou para o desenvolvimento da sociedade brasileira, ela entende que a educação tem que ser muito bem encaminhada se a gente quer ter uma sociedade forte e que a saúde tem que ser atendida minimamente. Sem sombra de dúvida, a diferença de realidade de alguns municípios, faz com que em alguns casos esses índices impactem de modo diferente na vida, às vezes atendendo pouco a questão da saúde ou da educação e às vezes gerando a incapacidade do município gastar. Mas é uma questão nacional, não temos como enfrentar isso num outro plano. Acredito que todo prefeito tem que pensar que, esse é o pacto que temos no país. Então deve acontecer a reflexão de como será a atuação para atender a esses 25%, que reflete a um quarto da receita do município, o ideal é que todos os prefeitos consigam efetivamente melhorar a educação. Os gestores fazem cortes às vezes em outros programas, sem dúvida, o prefeito vai ter que cortar outros programas pra atender a legislação, não por questão de opção, porque é uma regra constitucional. Do mesmo modo acontece com a saúde, os gestores vão ter que fazer opção, deixar as vezes de atender outras áreas, porque a saúde é regra indiscutível. Mas esses ajustes, essas sintonias, essas percepções da população da necessidade com esses índices é o que vai permitir um ajuste viável.
De que forma o cidadão do interior pode acompanhar e interferir na divulgação da transparência pública?
Para a transparência tem sido adotada uma politica severa, bem interessante no que tange a transparência dos atos públicos, uma série de leis e obrigações que exigem que o prefeito faça publicações. O poder público viabiliza para a sociedade essas informações, o que por vezes tenho a dúvida, é se a maioria da população nos municípios do interior consegue se servir dessas informações, buscar, acessar, de forma correta. E se quando consegue isso, é capaz de compreender os dados e essas informações que estão ali. É certo que a lei de responsabilidade fiscal não servia pra atender aos interesses da população, ela servia pra compreender o olhar dos técnicos que queriam conhecer a contabilidade pública e exigir o requisito de publicidade, a população foi consagrada com isso. Acredito que principalmente a imprensa, uma imprensa fiscalizadora e instruída será capaz de traduzir os números e dados fazendo a abertura efetiva. Existe todo um cenário, uma possibilidade de se conhecer os atos públicos, mas fazer a transformação do que está escrito na lei, e feito nos administradores, pra uma linguagem popular, ainda é um passo muito grande que precisamos alcançar e a imprensa tem responsabilidade nesse caminho.http://www.bahianoticias.com.br/municipios/entrevista/44-isaac-newton-especialista-em-gestao-publica.html
\title{\bf  Announcement 326:   The division by zero z/0=0 - its impact to human beings through education and research\\
\author{{\it Institute of Reproducing Kernels}\\
Kawauchi-cho, 5-1648-16,\\
Kiryu 376-0041, Japan\\
{\bf Abstract: } In this announcement, for its importance we would like to state the
situation on the division by zero and propose basic new challenges to education and research on our wrong world history.

By a {\bf natural extension} of the fractions
for any complex numbers $a$ and $b$, we found the simple and beautiful result, for any complex number $b$
incidentally in \cite{s} by the Tikhonov regularization for the Hadamard product inversions for matrices and we discussed their properties and gave several physical interpretations on the general fractions in \cite{kmsy} for the  case of real numbers.

 The division by zero has a long and mysterious story over the world (see, for example, Google site with the division by zero) with its physical viewpoints since the document of zero in India on AD 628,  however,
  Sin-Ei Takahasi (\cite{kmsy}) established a simple and decisive interpretation (1.2) by analyzing the extensions of fractions and by showing the complete characterization for the property (1.2):


 {\bf  Proposition 1. }{\it Let F be a function from  ${\bf C }\times {\bf C }$  to ${\bf C }$ satisfying
F (b, a)F (c, d)= F (bc, ad)
for all
a, b, c, d  \in {\bf C }
F (b, a) = \frac {b}{a },  \quad   a, b  \in  {\bf C }, a \ne 0.
Then, we obtain, for any $b \in {\bf C } $
F (b, 0) = 0.

 Note that the complete proof of this proposition is simply given by  2 or 3 lines.
We should define $F(b,0)= b/0 =0$, in general.

We thus should consider, for any complex number $b$, as  (1.2);
that is, for the mapping
W = \frac{1}{z},
the image of $z=0$ is $W=0$ ({\bf should be defined}). This fact seems to be a curious one in connection with our well-established popular image for the  point at infinity on the Riemann sphere. Therefore, the division by zero will give great impact to complex analysis and to our ideas for the space and universe.

However, the division by zero (1.2) is now clear, indeed, for the introduction of (1.2), we have several independent approaches as in:

1) by the generalization of the fractions by the Tikhonov regularization and by the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse,

2) by the intuitive meaning of the fractions (division) by H. Michiwaki - repeated subtraction method,

3) by the unique extension of the fractions by S. Takahasi,   as in the above,

4) by the extension of the fundamental function $W = 1/z$ from ${\bf C} \setminus \{0\}$ into ${\bf C}$ such that $W =1/z$ is a one to one and onto mapping from $ {\bf C} \setminus \{0\} $ onto ${\bf C} \setminus \{0\}$ and the division by zero $1/0=0$ is a one to one and onto mapping extension of the function $W =1/z $ from  ${\bf C}$ onto ${\bf C}$,



5) by considering the values of functions with the mean values of functions.

Furthermore, in (\cite{msy}) we gave the results in order to show the reality of the division by zero in our world:


A) a field structure  containing the division by zero --- the Yamada field ${\bf Y}$,

B)  by the gradient of the $y$ axis on the $(x,y)$ plane --- $\tan \frac{\pi}{2} =0$,

C) by the reflection $W =1/\overline{z}$ of $W= z$ with respect to the unit circle with center at the origin on the complex $z$ plane --- the reflection point of zero is zero, not the point at infinity.


D) by considering rotation of a right circular cone having some very interesting
phenomenon  from some practical and physical problem.


In (\cite{mos}),  many division by zero results in Euclidean spaces are given and  the basic idea at the point at infinity should be changed. In (\cite{ms}), we gave beautiful geometrical interpretations of determinants from the viewpoint of the division by zero. The results show that the division by zero is our basic and elementary mathematics in our world.


See  J. A. Bergstra, Y. Hirshfeld and J. V. Tucker \cite{bht} for the relationship between fields and the division by zero, and the importance of the division by zero for computer science. It seems that the relationship of the division by zero and field structures are abstract in their paper.

Meanwhile,  J. P.  Barukcic and I.  Barukcic (\cite{bb}) discussed recently the relation between the divisions $0/0$, $1/0$ and special relative theory of Einstein. However, their logic seems to be curious and their results contradict with ours.

 Furthermore,  T. S. Reis and J.A.D.W. Anderson (\cite{ra,ra2}) extend the system of the real numbers by introducing an ideal number for the division by zero $0/0$.

 Meanwhile, we should refer to up-to-date information:

{\it Riemann Hypothesis Addendum - Breakthrough

Kurt Arbenz
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272022137 Riemann Hypothesis Addendum -   Breakthrough.}


Here, we recall Albert Einstein's words on mathematics:
Blackholes are where God divided by zero.
I don't believe in mathematics.
George Gamow (1904-1968) Russian-born American nuclear physicist and cosmologist remarked that "it is well known to students of high school algebra" that division by zero is not valid; and Einstein admitted it as {\bf the biggest blunder of his life} [1]:
1. Gamow, G., My World Line (Viking, New York). p 44, 1970.

 Apparently, the division by zero is a great missing in our mathematics and the result (1.2) is definitely determined as our basic mathematics, as we see from Proposition 1.  Note  its very general assumptions and  many fundamental evidences in our world in (\cite{kmsy,msy,mos}). The results will give great impact  on Euclidean spaces, analytic geometry, calculus, differential equations, complex analysis and  physical problems.

The mysterious history of the division by zero over one thousand years is a great shame of  mathematicians and human race on the world history, like the Ptolemaic system (geocentric theory). The division by zero will become a typical  symbol of foolish human race with long and unceasing struggles. Future people will realize this fact as a definite common sense.

We should check and fill our mathematics, globally and beautifully, from the viewpoint of the division by zero. Our mathematics will be more perfect and beautiful,  and will give great impact to our basic ideas on the universe.

 For our ideas on the division by zero, see the survey style announcements.

\section{Basic Materials of Mathematics}

  (1): First, we should declare that the divison by zero is possible in the natural and uniquley determined sense and its importance.

  (2): In the elementary school, we should introduce the concept of division by the idea of repeated subtraction method by H. Michiwaki whoes method is applied in computer algorithmu and in old days for calculation of division. This method will give a simple and clear method for calculation of division and students will be happy to apply this simple method at the first stage. At this time, they will be able to understand that the division by zero is clear and trivial as $a/0=0$ for any $a$. Note that Michiwaki knows how to apply his method to the complex number field.

  (3): For the introduction of the elemetary function $y= 1/x$, we should give the definition of the function at the origin $x=0$ as $y = 0$ by the division by zero idea and we should apply this definition for the occasions of its appearences, step by step, following the curriculum and the results of the division by zero.

  (4): For the idea of the Euclidean space (plane), we should introduce, at the first stage, the concept of steleographic projection and the concept of the point at infinity  -
   one point compactification. Then, we will be able to see the whole Euclidean plane, however, by the division by zero, the point at infinity is represented by zero. We can teach  the very important fact with many geometric and analytic geometry methods. These topics will give great pleasant feelings to many students.
  Interesting topics are: parallel lines, what is a line? - a line contains the origin as an isolated
point for the case that the native line does not through the origin. All the lines pass the origin, our space is not the Eulcildean space and is not Aristoteles for the strong discontinuity at the point at infinity (at the origin). - Here note that an orthogonal coordinates should be fixed first for our all arguments.

(5): The inversion of the origin with respect to a circle with center the origin is the origin itself, not the point at infinity - the very classical result is wrong. We can also prove this elementary result by many elementary ways.

(6): We should change the concept of gradients; on the usual orthogonal coordinates $(x,y)$,
 the gradient of the $y$ axis is zero; this is given and proved by the fundamental result
 $\tan (\pi/2) =0$. The result is trivial in the definition of the Yamada field. This result is derived also from  the {\bf division by zero calculus}:

 For any formal Laurent expansion around $z=a$,
f(z) = \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} C_n (z - a)^n,

we obtain the identity, by the division by zero

f(a) =  C_0.

This fundamental result leads to the important new definition:
From the viewpoint of the division by zero, when there exists the limit, at $ x$
 f^\prime(x) = \lim_{h\to 0} \frac{f(x + h) - f(x)}{h}  =\infty
 f^\prime(x) =  -\infty,
 both cases, we can write them as follows:
  f^\prime(x) =  0.

 For the elementary ordinary differential equation
 y^\prime = \frac{dy}{dx} =\frac{1}{x}, \quad x > 0,
 how will be the case at the point $x = 0$? From its general solution, with a general constant $C$
 y = \log x + C,
 we see that, by the division by zero,
 y^\prime (0)= \left[ \frac{1}{x}\right]_{x=0} = 0,
 that will mean that the division by zero (1.2) is very natural.

 In addition, note that the function $y = \log x$ has infinite order derivatives and all the values are zero at the origin, in the sense of the division by zero.

 However, for the derivative of the function $y = \log x$, we have to fix the sense at the origin, clearly, because the function is not differentiable, but it has a singularity at the origin. For $x >0$, there is no problem for (2.6) and (2.7). At  $x = 0$, we  see that we can not consider the limit in the sense (2.3).  However,  for $x >0$ we have (2.6) and
 \lim_{x \to +0} \left(\log x \right)^\prime = +\infty.
 In the usual sense, the limit is $+\infty$,  but in the present case, in the sense of the division by zero, we have:
 \left[ \left(\log x \right)^\prime \right]_{x=0}= 0
  and we will be able to understand its sense graphycally.

 By the new interpretation for the derivative, we can arrange many formulas for derivatives, by the division by zero. We can modify many formulas and statements in calculus and we can apply our concept to the differential equation theory and the universe in connetion with derivatives.

(7): We shall introduce the typical division by zero calculus.

  For the integral
\int x(x^{2}+1)^{a}dx=\frac{(x^{2}+1)^{a+1}}{2(a+1)}\quad(a\ne-1),
we obtain, by the division by zero,
\int x(x^{2}+1)^{-1}dx=\frac{\log(x^{2}+1)}{2}.

We will consider the fundamental ordinary differential equations

x^{\prime \prime}(t) =g -kx^{\prime}(t)
with the initial conditions
x(0)  = -h, x^{\prime}(0) =0.
Then we have the solution
x(t) = \frac{g}{k}t + \frac{g(e^{-kt}- 1)}{k^2} - h.
Then, for $k=0$, we obtain, immediately, by the division by zero
x(t) = \frac{1}{2}g t^2 -h.

In those examples, we were able to give valuable functions for denominator zero cases. The division by zero calculus may be applied to many cases as a new fundamental calculus over l'Hôpital's rule.

(8):  When we apply the division by zero to functions, we can consider, in general, many ways.  For example,
for the function $z/(z-1)$, when we insert $z=1$  in numerator and denominator, we have
\left[\frac{z}{z-1}\right]_{z = 1} = \frac{1}{0} =0.
from the identity --
 the Laurent expansion around $z=1$,
\frac{z}{z-1} = \frac{1}{z-1} + 1,
we have
 \left[\frac{z}{z-1}\right]_{z = 1} = 1.
 For analytic functions we can give uniquely determined values at isolated singular points by the values by means of the Laurent expansions as the division by zero calculus, however, the values by means of the Laurent expansions are not always reasonable. We will need to consider many interpretations for reasonable values. In many formulas in mathematics and physics, however, we can see that the division by zero calculus is reasonably valid. See \cite{kmsy,msy}.

\section{Albert Einstein's biggest blunder}
The division by zero is directly related to the Einstein's theory and various
physical problems
containing the division by zero.  Now we should check the theory and the problems by the concept of the RIGHT and DEFINITE division by zero. Now is the best time since 100 years from Albert Einstein. It seems that the background knowledge is timely fruitful.

Note that the Big Bang also may be related to the division by zero like the blackholes.

\section{Computer systems}
The above Professors listed are wishing the contributions in order to avoid the division by zero trouble in computers. Now,  we should arrange  new computer systems in order not to meet the division by zero trouble in computer systems.

 By the division by zero calculus, we will be able to overcome troubles in Maple for specialization problems.

\section{General  ideas on the universe}
The division by zero may be related to religion,  philosophy and the ideas on the universe, and it will creat a new world. Look the new world introduced.


We are standing on a new  generation and in front of the new world, as in the discovery of the Americas.  Should we push the research and education on the division by zero?



J. P.  Barukcic and I.  Barukcic, Anti Aristotle—The Division of Zero by Zero. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics,  {\bf 4}(2016), 749-761.
doi: 10.4236/jamp.2016.44085.

J. A. Bergstra, Y. Hirshfeld and J. V. Tucker,
Meadows and the equational specification of division (arXiv:0901.0823v1[math.RA] 7 Jan 2009).

L. P.  Castro and S. Saitoh,  Fractional functions and their representations,  Complex Anal. Oper. Theory {\bf7} (2013), no. 4, 1049-1063.

M. Kuroda, H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh, and M. Yamane,
New meanings of the division by zero and interpretations on $100/0=0$ and on $0/0=0$,
Int. J. Appl. Math.  {\bf 27} (2014), no 2, pp. 191-198,  DOI: 10.12732/ijam.v27i2.9.

T. Matsuura and S. Saitoh,
Matrices and division by zero $z/0=0$, Advances in Linear Algebra
\& Matrix Theory, 6, 51-58. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/alamt.2016.62007 http://www.scirp.org/journal/alamt 

H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh,  and  M.Yamada,
Reality of the division by zero $z/0=0$.  IJAPM  International J. of Applied Physics and Math. {\bf 6}(2015), 1--8. http://www.ijapm.org/show-63-504-1.html

H.  Michiwaki, H. Okumura, and S. Saitoh,
Division by Zero $z/0 = 0$ in Euclidean Spaces.
 International Journal of Mathematics and Computation
 (in press).

T. S. Reis and J.A.D.W. Anderson,
Transdifferential and Transintegral Calculus,
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science 2014 Vol I
WCECS 2014, 22-24 October, 2014, San Francisco, USA

T. S. Reis and J.A.D.W. Anderson,
Transreal Calculus,
IAENG  International J. of Applied Math., {\bf 45}(2015):  IJAM 45 1 06.

S. Saitoh, Generalized inversions of Hadamard and tensor products for matrices,  Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory.  {\bf 4}  (2014), no. 2,  87--95. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ALAMT/

S.-E. Takahasi, M. Tsukada and Y. Kobayashi,  Classification of continuous fractional binary operations on the real and complex fields,  Tokyo Journal of Mathematics,   {\bf 38}(2015), no. 2, 369-380.

Announcement 179 (2014.8.30): Division by zero is clear as z/0=0 and it is fundamental in mathematics.

Announcement 185 (2014.10.22): The importance of the division by zero $z/0=0$.

Announcement 237 (2015.6.18):  A reality of the division by zero $z/0=0$ by  geometrical optics.

Announcement 246 (2015.9.17): An interpretation of the division by zero $1/0=0$ by the gradients of lines.

Announcement 247 (2015.9.22): The gradient of y-axis is zero and $\tan (\pi/2) =0$ by the division by zero $1/0=0$.

Announcement 250 (2015.10.20): What are numbers? -  the Yamada field containing the division by zero $z/0=0$.

Announcement 252 (2015.11.1): Circles and
curvature - an interpretation by Mr.
Hiroshi Michiwaki of the division by
zero $r/0 = 0$.

Announcement 281 (2016.2.1): The importance of the division by zero $z/0=0$.

Announcement 282 (2016.2.2): The Division by Zero $z/0=0$ on the Second Birthday.

Announcement 293 (2016.3.27):  Parallel lines on the Euclidean plane from the viewpoint of division by zero 1/0=0.

Announcement 300 (2016.05.22): New challenges on the division by zero z/0=0.



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