
ゼロ除算(division by zero)1/0=0/0=z/0= tan (pi/2)=0


ゼロで割れないという永い間の常識に対して、真正面から、ゼロで割れる という 厳格な意味 を与え、かつ広範な応用、展開を 文獻で 与えました。

掲示版のようで 自由に投稿できるので、いろいろな解釈、理解を きちんと纏めていきたい。
表現を考えていると、新しい考えが 湧くことが多いです。


We Can Divide the Numbers and Analytic Functions by Zero\\ with a Natural Sense.

Authors: Saburou Saitoh
It is a famous word that we are not permitted to divide the numbers and functions by zero. In our mathematics, {\bf prohibition} is a famous word for the division by zero. For this old and general concept, we will give a simple and affirmative answer. In particular, certainly we gave several generalizations of division as in referred in the above, however, we will wish to understand with some good feelings for {\bf the division by zero}. We wish to know the division by zero with some good feelings. We wish to give clearly a good meaning for the division by zero in this paper.
Comments: 7 Pages. It is a famous word that we are not permitted to divide the numbers and functions by zero. In our mathematics, {\bf prohibition} is a famous word for the division by zero. For this old and general concept, we will give a simple and affirmative answer. In
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[v1] 2019-02-03 22:47:53
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